Technical diving is a the application of special equipment, knowledge, procedures, and skills to safely conduct dives beyond recreational diving limits. This may include the use of enriched gas blends to include 100% oxygen, conducting planned decompressions dives, accelerating decompression procedures, using trimixes, and diving to depths will beyond 130 feet. Through these courses, you will gain valuable knowledge, skills, and experience unmatched in most other types of diving. By the time you complete your training your abilities as a diver will have greatly expanded and your dive skills tested.
This experience allows the prospective technical diver see what it feels like to dive in technical equipment. You will be exposed to some basic tec skills in a safe and controlled environment. Depending upon your interests, you may have the oportunity to try both sidemount and the traditional backmount gear configurations.
This is an introductory Sidemount course. In it you will learn about the techniques to dive in this equipment configuration, but also how to select, assemble, and adjust your sidemount equipment setup.
This is a more intermediate sidemeount course. This course will teach you not only how to configure your sidemount equipment and the skills needed to dive it, but also it how to use the equipment and skills a Tec diver needs. You will use multiple stage/deco cylinders and train on advanced sidemount emergency procedures. This course is designed to train students interested in learning Tec diving in the sidemount configuration or training Tec divers who want to begin diving in a sidemount configuration.
This is the introductory PADI Tec course. The skills you learn in this course will form the foundation upon which more advanced Tec courses will build upon. This course will challenge you to improve your dive knowledge and skills to a new level. You will be certified to conduct limited decompressions dives within recreational depths after this course.
This is the intermediate level PADI Tec course. The skills you learn in this course will build upon foundation you learned in Tec 40. This course will continue to challenge you to improve your dive knowledge and skills to the next level. Not only will your knowledge and skills improve, but you will test them by diving beyond recreational diving limits!
This is the advanced PADI Tec course. The skills you learn in this course build upon those you learned in Tec 40 and Tec 45. This course will train you to dive to deeper depths, with more complex equipment configurations. During this course, you will continue to improve as a diver and will push the limits of your Tec diving skills and knowledge.
This is the most advanced PADI open circuit Tec course. This is the cutting edge of technical diving. Using trimix allows you to reduce nitrogin narcosis to manageable levels and further extend the depth to which you can dive. Your diving skills and knowledge must be exemplar to safely make these dives.